Coop Themed Blog

Arts and Entertainment Coop Proposal 

Arts and Entertainment 
I want to start a worker owned art, publishing and performing arts cooperative that performs or creates recordings, movies, novels, books, comic books and magazines together.
I want to provide live and online platforms for the artists to show, distribute or sell their art, recordings, books and performances.
I want to create a worker-artist owned fictional universe for the characters created and owned by independent artists. This universe could have shared fictional settings created by the members of the cooperative.

We could build settings based  on local landmarks or create completely new fantasy worlds.
I want to create collaborative storyboard templates that encourage collaboration and creativity.

I want to use and create methods of collaboration that are entertaining, efficient and achievable.
Planning and creative sessions could use outlines that contain the basic forms used in drama, comedy, action, sci-fi, romance, romantic comedy, horror, mystery, childrens books, fairy fales, and tragedies. etc.
        These sessions could provide prompts written with the intent to create a certain amount of content in a certain amount of time in a realistic time frame. They could be structured with an equitable work share and in a sustainable manner both in terms of workload and income generation.

    Examples of easy participatory activites include mad libs, song circles, sentence stems and busking.

Mad Libs 
I use Mad Lib Songwriting to generate paritially original songs in nonsensical, silly and very entertaining ways.

A Mad Lib of Itsy Bitsy Spider would ask for a size, an animal, a direction, something outside of a house, a liquid and a source of heat.
With those six prompts you can write a new story, and perform it in five minutes.

A charicature artist could make a simple comic strip of the song quickly as well. Especially if they were provided frames to sketch in. 
Mad Lib Songwriting usually involves parodying a known work, and is likey to be nonsensical,  but a person could write an original song and Mad Lib it with a group. 
And I can teach others how to lead Mad Libs Songwriting sessions as well.
We could create something akin to MAD LIBS, but not limited to the  parody genre.


With children, I use sentence stems to get them to come up with the lyrics for songs that are already written.”like ... “If you’re happy and you know it.......”(do a dance, shout hooray, clap your hands) 
“Old McDonald Had a farm. And on that farm he had a ...." (cat, chicken, dog, goat, rooster, sheep, turkey)
I often organize song circles with performers where we take turns singing a song of our choice in rotation.
Usually we perform our original songs together and accompany each other to the best of our abilities.
A duo of buskers will often take turns picking songs and singing lead vocals while performing together.

And they will split the money earned afterwards evenly.

I want members to be able to run the business sales, inventory, licensing, royalties, copy writing etc) 
in a way that allows them to use their strengths.
Members could be surveyed on their skills. 
And they could get to choose which parts of the project they work on.
And asked what they are are good at  need to practice. What they love, like, dislike or hate doing. If they want 10 they could share with the group  what they 6 like to teach, need help with or need feedback on.+22

I want to start publications that buy work from members/employees.
Each member could specialize in a topic (reviews, headlines, comics, etc.) Or the assignments could rotate between members.

I want to write science fiction for this company and I have some episodes of a science fiction series mapped out in my head.

It is about a multi species crew from multiple planets that crash lands on Earth. 
They have a bear as their captain, their crew also includes a bird, a spider, a robot cat, but no canines or primates.

I Want to Start A Worker and Artists Owned Publishing Company 

I want to start a worker owned art, publishing and performing arts cooperative that performs or creates recordings, movies, novels, books, comic books and magazines together.
I want to provide live and online platforms for the artists to show, distribute or sell their art, recordings, books and performances. 
I want to create a worker-artist owned fictional universe for the characters created and owned by independent artists. This universe could have shared fictional settings created by the members of the cooperative.
I want to create collaborative storyboard templates that encourage collaboration and creativity.

Greg Spence Wolf

Marvel Bay Cafe 

Marvel Bay Cafe makes their own deli salads, cookies, brownies, biscotti and tarts. My wife and i have been there a dozen times. It has a nice athmosphere. 




A worker owned taxi service with online and ap scheduling 

 Uber and Lyft call themselves Ride Share Aps. Thise companies neither share rides or are aps. They are websites and corporations that nsert themselves into the process by owning the means of communication between users and providers of a service. 

And the communication between the above mentoned parties is the only service they offer. They don’t exist to provide service. They exist to profit off of the work done by others through the least expensive, for them, way.

Websites and aps are cheaper to make and maintain than cars.

 These corporations don’t share. They buy up competitors. ( - Uber buys rival Careem in $3.1 billion deal to dominate ride-hailing in Middle East.)

 I would like to say first off that  computer dispatched  drivers are not sharing rides. They are providing a driving service.  But if you call it sharing, then it is easier to justify not paying the drivers.

Ride hailing is more accurate way to describe these internet based services.

In a June 30, 2022 article in Wired Magazine a new model for driving services, Worker ownership of the commnication stream between customer and worker, is presented. 

The artice starts by saying:

“KEN LEWIS MOVED from Grenada to New York City in 1989 at a time when he says employment options for immigrants were limited. “You either got into construction or drove a taxi,” he says. Alongside grad school study, he drove a cab and remembers being alarmed at drivers footing the bill for all their expenses, from gas to vehicle repairs.

“Then in 2011, Uber came along and everything got worse, as drivers ran from the yellow taxi industry in the hope of finally making more money for themselves and their families,” he says. “We invested our life savings into buying cars, but actually, we were just buying the tools to exploit us further.”


Central Coop’s upcoming Board Election 

It's Central Co-op Election Time!


Impact Central Co-op's future by voting for the newest members of our Board of Trustees and Nominating Committee! Voting for governance leadership is a crucial piece of what sets co-ops apart from many other business models, and we need your voice to move our Central Co-op into the future!


Each year, we elect one new Worker and one new Consumer to the Board (for three year terms), and one Worker and one Consumer to the Nom-Com (for one year terms). All Central Co-op Member-Owners vote for open positions for both Worker and Consumer candidates.


All you need to vote is the name on your account, and/or your member number -- one vote per Member-Owner account! Read about our 2023 Candidates below, and follow the green buttons to our Online Voting portal.

In-store voting will be available beginning October 31.


2023 Annual Owner Meeting


Alongside the Election, we are returning to an in-person format for our 2023 Annual Owner Meeting!


Please join us on Sunday, November 12, 2023 from 1:00pm until 3:00pm at the Silver Cloud Hotel at Madison and Broadway.


You'll hear about updates in our organization, meet members of Central Co-op's Board and Leadership Team, interact with other members, and get the latest on the Annual Election. Light snacks and beverages will be offered. 


Space is limited at this event, so please let us know if you're planning on attending by emailing

Board of Trustees Consumer-Owner Candidate
Amethyst Green


Home Store: Tacoma

Candidate Statement:
As a passionate and dedicated resident of Tacoma, I am honored to put forth my candidacy for the Co-op Board position.  My deep-rooted pride in our community drives my commitment to its growth and prosperity.  

My journey is defined by service and leadership.  My professional background includes 14 years at Apple Inc, where I was immersed in leadership development and real estate.  I had the privilege of spearheading the launch and management of new Apple stores.  These experiences have honed my skills in strategic planning, financial management, and community engagement.  

I also have the privilege of coaching golf at Silas High School, imparting valuable life skills and fostering young talent. In addition, I volunteer for the Tacoma School District, mentoring students in achieving their financial goals, empowering them to make informed choices for their future.  

With my unique blend of corporate leadership and community involvement, I am committed to bringing a fresh perspective and strong sense of responsibility to the Board position. 

Thank you for your consideration and vote! 


Board of Trustees Consumer-Owner Candidate
Jeremiah Treacy


Home Store: Tacoma

Candidate Statement:
I’d like to be part of the Co-op's participation and community involvement with “setting the table” for family and friends, our neighborhood source of health, wellness, goodness, nutrition; having the Central Co-op is a plus for our neighborhood and having it lead with sustainable, organic and local resources is a continued and beneficial next step.


Board of Trustees Worker-Owner Candidate
Jack Sharp


Home Store: Seattle

Candidate Statement:
I am honored to announce my candidacy for the Board, driven by a passion for positive change and a commitment to our community's well-being. With a background in project management and a proven track record of leadership, I am dedicated to fostering collaboration and implementing effective solutions.

Throughout my career, I've focused on listening to diverse voices and finding common ground. I believe in the power of inclusivity, where every member's perspective is valued. As a Board member, I will prioritize transparent communication, ensuring that the community's concerns are not only heard but acted upon.

My vision for our community includes sustainable development, fiscal responsibility, and the enhancement of educational opportunities for all. I will work tirelessly to preserve the unique character of our organization while also embracing innovation to address emerging challenges.

I'm excited to embark on this journey with you, and I promise to be a tireless advocate for our community's best interests. Together, we can build a brighter, stronger future. Your support and trust in my candidacy would be a privilege, and I look forward to making a positive impact alongside you.

Nominating Committee Worker-Owner Candidate
Hannah Jessup


Home Store: Tacoma

Candidate Statement:

I am the assistant produce manager at our Tacoma location. I have worked for Central Co-op Tacoma, for about three and a half years! 

I was able to serve on the Nominating Committee for the past two years and have loved being able to get to know our members as well as the community better than ever. 

I enjoy being able to do community outreach, as well as chatting with potential board members in the store! I am able to have a more hands-on approach than some of the other nomination committee members since I am in the store almost every day - face to face with members. Among many other things -  I will bring creativity, determination, and attention to detail to the Nomination Committee. I pride myself on my organizational skills as well as communication and being personable. Thank you for considering me to be on the Nominating Committee another year!

Nominating Committee Consumer-Owner Candidate
Winston Fryer


Home Store: Both! Has lived in both Seattle & Tacoma

Candidate Statement:
Winston is an incumbent candidate who served on the Nominating Committee in 2021-2023. Until recently moving to Seattle, Winston was a lifelong Tacoma resident, and former employee of Central Co-op Tacoma. He is familiar with and supportive of the Co-op's goals and values, and is always looking for new ways to interact with new partners on behalf of the Co-op. Winston is passionate about engaging with the community, has experience working with and supporting businesses and non-profits, and is excited to bring his strength of connection to the Nominating Committee!