Arts and Entertainment Coop Proposal

Arts and Entertainment 
I want to start a worker owned art, publishing and performing arts cooperative that performs or creates recordings, movies, novels, books, comic books and magazines together.
I want to provide live and online platforms for the artists to show, distribute or sell their art, recordings, books and performances.
I want to create a worker-artist owned fictional universe for the characters created and owned by independent artists. This universe could have shared fictional settings created by the members of the cooperative.

We could build settings based  on local landmarks or create completely new fantasy worlds.
I want to create collaborative storyboard templates that encourage collaboration and creativity.

I want to use and create methods of collaboration that are entertaining, efficient and achievable.
Planning and creative sessions could use outlines that contain the basic forms used in drama, comedy, action, sci-fi, romance, romantic comedy, horror, mystery, childrens books, fairy fales, and tragedies. etc.
        These sessions could provide prompts written with the intent to create a certain amount of content in a certain amount of time in a realistic time frame. They could be structured with an equitable work share and in a sustainable manner both in terms of workload and income generation.

    Examples of easy participatory activites include mad libs, song circles, sentence stems and busking.

Mad Libs 
I use Mad Lib Songwriting to generate paritially original songs in nonsensical, silly and very entertaining ways.

A Mad Lib of Itsy Bitsy Spider would ask for a size, an animal, a direction, something outside of a house, a liquid and a source of heat.
With those six prompts you can write a new story, and perform it in five minutes.

A charicature artist could make a simple comic strip of the song quickly as well. Especially if they were provided frames to sketch in. 
Mad Lib Songwriting usually involves parodying a known work, and is likey to be nonsensical,  but a person could write an original song and Mad Lib it with a group. 
And I can teach others how to lead Mad Libs Songwriting sessions as well.
We could create something akin to MAD LIBS, but not limited to the  parody genre.


With children, I use sentence stems to get them to come up with the lyrics for songs that are already written.”like ... “If you’re happy and you know it.......”(do a dance, shout hooray, clap your hands) 
“Old McDonald Had a farm. And on that farm he had a ...." (cat, chicken, dog, goat, rooster, sheep, turkey)
I often organize song circles with performers where we take turns singing a song of our choice in rotation.
Usually we perform our original songs together and accompany each other to the best of our abilities.
A duo of buskers will often take turns picking songs and singing lead vocals while performing together.

And they will split the money earned afterwards evenly.

I want members to be able to run the business sales, inventory, licensing, royalties, copy writing etc) 
in a way that allows them to use their strengths.
Members could be surveyed on their skills. 
And they could get to choose which parts of the project they work on.
And asked what they are are good at  need to practice. What they love, like, dislike or hate doing. If they want 10 they could share with the group  what they 6 like to teach, need help with or need feedback on.+22

I want to start publications that buy work from members/employees.
Each member could specialize in a topic (reviews, headlines, comics, etc.) Or the assignments could rotate between members.

I want to write science fiction for this company and I have some episodes of a science fiction series mapped out in my head.

It is about a multi species crew from multiple planets that crash lands on Earth. 
They have a bear as their captain, their crew also includes a bird, a spider, a robot cat, but no canines or primates.

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